In 1938 when the Woman’s Voluntary Services were established, Helen Lloyd, a 39 year old resident of Albury, where she lived with her parents, volunteered to take charge of the reception of evacuees in the Guildford Rural District. We are able to discover a great deal about her ever widening responsibilities for the WVS through the diaries she wrote for the Mass Observation Archive.

From 1939 till 1940, 1100 evacuees arrived in the Guildford Rural District, many in 1940 having been moved from the south coast where they had first been housed. Apart from the logistics of finding homes for the children, Helen commented in her Narrative Reports to the WVS headquarters that Enuresis (bed-wetting) was a severe problem for families taking care of the children. Many solutions were suggested throughout the country, such as not allowing children to pick dandelions, but Helen believed, “All that is needed is a legion of old-fashioned nannies who love the children dearly but who stand no nonsense from their charges.” She may have followed this herself for she remarked in her diary that she had happily replaced a bath and a drink before dinner with a session reading a story to the four boys residing with her family.
The WVS centre for Guildford Borough was organised by Mrs Eileen Leach, but Helen’s base was also in Guildford and she had regular meetings with Mrs Leach.
Though not specifically connected with Warren Road Hospital, Helen often went there in her role as WVS district organiser. Her diary entry for
June 15th 1940
“Took a car full of teapots and cruets to Warren Road Hospital. Mrs Thomas objected to appeals being made for the hospital as it made public the fact that it was badly equipped – which of course was the case.”
October 26th 1940
“To Warren Road Hospital to give blood. Had to wait 40 minutes but enlivened the time by gossiping with Mrs Cooper who was taking records. The operation was extremely simple and I felt ashamed of having a fluttering head. The doctor was charming and I admired and wished to emulate his bedside manner.”
Helen was concerned that the London boroughs made no attempt to forward the children’s medical records or spectacle prescriptions , but the main medical concerns were obvious.
December 30th 1940
“Had to take two of Mrs Strachey’s children to Warren Road Hospital with impetigo and nits!”
January 31st 1941
“Eight cases of scabies and nowhere to put them; 3 measles contacts and no billets; an expectant mother imminently expecting; a child admitted to Warren Road for impetigo has measles there and no-one is told; a second child of Mrs Strachey’s has scarlet fever though the school doctor pronounced it to be nothing.”
The highlight of June 1940 was the arrival at Guildford station of men evacuated from Dunkirk. Mrs Leach was in Helen’s office organising food for the trains when there was a message for them to go to the station as soon as possible. There they found chaos as train after train of hungry and thirsty English, French and Belgian soldiers stopped en route from the south coast. “The waiting rooms on the platform were transformed into larders and pantries and were filled with people cutting sandwiches. Churns of hot tea ladled into tins, jam jars, anything that would serve as a cup.” For four days the WVS continued to serve the soldiers with the, “enthusiastic support of Guildford tradesmen willing to be knocked up at all hours to give goods at a discount of sixty per cent.”
After Dunkirk, the Guildford scheme was instigated, “Whereby we shall keep a list of lodgings, free or otherwise, for the wives and relations of wounded (servicemen) on the danger list. These people are, if necessary to be met at the station and taken to the hospital or billets.”
Meanwhile the rural WVS were to supply ashtrays, handkerchiefs, drinking beakers, books and games for the injured soldiers at Warren Road Hospital.

On one occasion Helen recorded that a family had been sent from Bristol because the husband was dying of cancer at Warren Road Hospital. His wife and six children were sent to Ockham Park which made it impossible for them to visit the hospital so she persuaded the Billeting Officer to find them a council cottage in Shackleford.
Later in 1941 Helen Lloyd reported that 3 bombs had dropped near to Warren Road Hospital killing 2 people, injuring 9 and making 200 homeless. In October 1941 a British Restaurant was opened in Charlotteville. This was a communal feeding centre, a cafe where a full hot meal could be purchased for one shilling, served and washed up by the WVS. At the same time WVS members were knitting scarves, helmets, socks, sweaters and gloves. By 1941 almost 3,000 children had been evacuated to the 22 parishes in Helen’s Rural District. In January 1942 when there was thick snow on the ground, Helen skied into Guildford from her home in Albury.
In June 1942 there were 542 WVS members in Guildford Rural District and 1,005 in the borough of Guildford. An editorial in the Surrey Times of 29th October 1943 expressed the opinion that, “While the grey uniforms of the members of the WVS are seen mingling among the crowds in our streets, few of the public are conscious of the valuable work they undertake.”
Article by SLHHP researcher Liz Lloyd
“Warriors at Home 1940-1942” edited by Patricia and Robert Malcomson
“Women at the Ready: The remarkable story of the Women’s Voluntary Services” by Robert and Patricia Malcolmson.
The Surrey History Centre, 130 Goldsworth Road, Woking, GU21 6ND